Patient Education is a key part of the core mission of The Surgical Clinic. The Surgical Clinic’s Surgeons and its staff are dedicated to the type of patient education that makes certain that every patient understands what is going to happen and what their options for care might be. The Surgeons and key Ancillary Staff members have created educational videos that patients can watch at their leisure from home AND now The Surgical Clinic has integrated the Krames ONLINE Library so that patients can read detailed information about their condition, surgical options and recovery expectations.
The Surgical Clinic believes that patients who know what to expect at every step of the care process will be less stressed and much more confident about how they will prepare themselves to recover and return to normal life. This partnership of education and patient involvement in their care is a hallmark of the patient-centered care that is embedded in The Surgical Clinic Mission.
Surgeons at The Surgical Clinic have selected various links to specific material in the Krames ONLINE Library for patients to easily access from the website. These are data sheets and easy to read explanations of the condition that patients may be treated for as well as providing realistic information about what to expect in the recovery process. In addition to the various educational pieces that The Surgical Clinic’s care team has selected there are thousands of other items in the library that patients are welcome to explore. The library can be accessed 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
In addition to the Library, Surgeons and Key members of the staff have created patient education videos are embedded on the website. These are videos created for the patients of each of the various Surgeons at The Surgical Clinic and address various diagnoses for which patients might be treated. New videos are created frequently. Patients are encouraged to subscribe to The Surgical Clinic’s YouTube Channel to follow new videos as they are released.
All of the patient educational material – video and Krames Online – can be accessed by patients, and their families and are available free of charge even after you have recovered and are no longer a patient of The Surgical Clinic. In each case, you also have the option of downloading the material (or in the case of Krames Online you can print the material).
Each of the surgeons believes that it is very important to answer questions and look at the entirety of the patient’s needs as they work with you to select the right procedure at the right time. Surgeons at The Surgical Clinic will, wherever needed, consult with other professionals on a patient’s care team. These professionals include oncologists, internists, and family care physicians. Together, your care team will make sure that everyone stays in the loop and create the best support for each and every patient through every phase of care.
Family and a patient’s other support team members also need to be educated so that they will understand how to best help a patient once they go home. Patients are encouraged to share the educational materials with their family and friends who will be helping out as they recover. The Surgical Clinic also knows that questions and concerns will come up long after you have left your initial appointment. To make sure that no question is left unanswered, patients are always encouraged to keep a pad and pencil handy so that as questions occur, they can be written down to make sure that they aren’t forgotten at the next appointment In the Surgeon’s office. The best recoveries always begin with a well-informed patient.
To learn more about general surgery, visit our blog archives. We strive to share useful information to help prepare our patients regularly. Even as the years go by we hope that our content remains helpful and relevant to you.