Weight loss is a healthy and attainable goal for many individuals. Some resort to major lifestyle changes, such as incorporating more fitness, a diet change, or supplements dependent on the individual. More often than not weight loss can be a positive result for those who have set goals to do just that.

But, what about unexpected weight loss? This can occur when an individual suddenly loses a decent amount of weight within a short period of time without trying to do so.
Sometimes this can be a signal of a deeper issue that should be brought to the attention of a medical provider. Let’s understand when and why weight loss can be a sign of cancer.

The Link Between Unexplained Weight Loss and Cancer

A variety of medical researchers and doctors have been investigating the connection between unexplained weight loss and cancer. Much research and studies have been conducted to suggest the red flag that unexplained weight loss can be for individuals, specifically indicating a potential cancer diagnosis.

A study conducted with the researchers at the National Library of Medicine found rather concerning results with their study. The ultimate conclusion of their study was concluded with, “UWL [unexplained weight loss] recorded in primary care is associated with a broad range of cancer sites of early and late-stage.” This study was conducted with a little over 60,000 patients, with roughly 1,300 diagnosed with a form of cancer within 2 years.

Medical researchers and scientists suggest cancer can trigger unexplained weight loss as cancer in the body can release chemicals into the bloodstream resulting in weight loss, which is also known as Cachexia. This can occur even when an individual does not change their diet or exercise.

Which Cancers Have the Potential to Cause Unexplained Weight Loss?

There are many different forms of cancers, and many different reasons as to why an individual may have cancer. Some factors that play into an individual eventually getting diagnosed with a form of cancer can be from a family history of cancer, excessive use of tobacco smoking, high exposure to UV rays, obesity, or consistent exposure to known carcinogens.

However, there are a few cancers that have a specific connection between unexplained weight loss and this diagnosis. Some of these cancers include:

  • Pancreas: This is cancer in the lower part of the stomach, known as the pancreas, which helps with digestion and regulating blood sugar.
  • Esophagus: A form of cancer found in the throat to the stomach.
  • Lymphoma: This cancer is found in the lymphatic system throughout the body, which serves to fight off infection and balance fluid within the body.
  • Lung: A form of cancer found in the lungs.
  • Ovarian: This cancer is found in the ovaries. A tumor here can grow to push on the stomach, making an individual feel full.

It is important to note that this is a limited list of potential cancers that can cause unexplained weight loss, as there are additional ones researchers are finding a connection to.

woman holding hand of other woman in somber sense

What Other Symptoms, Alongside Weight Loss, Signal Cancer?

In addition to unexplained weight loss, individuals may have other symptoms that can contribute to potential symptoms of cancer. These symptoms can be, but are not limited to:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Vomiting blood
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Unable to swallow foods or liquids

If any of these additional symptoms arise, along with unexplained weight loss, you will want to reach out to your medical provider.

If Not Cancer, What Else?

While there is extensive research between unexplained weight loss and cancer, there can also be additional health reasons as to why one may be experiencing unexplained weight loss that are not necessarily cancer. Some of these are:

  • Dementia, which can also create loss of appetite and trouble with chewing and swallowing.
  • Mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, or OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can cause restlessness resulting in loss of appetite, and fixation on certain foods and eating disorders for some individuals.
  • Certain medications can make you feel fuller longer and some are specifically created for weight loss by lowering blood sugar such as Ozempic.
  • Thyroid issues such as hyperthyroidism due to raising metabolism levels, meaning individuals burn calories faster.
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), with worsening conditions, can cause appetite loss in individuals.
  • Crohn’s disease has been shown to lessen the appetite of individuals due to nausea and diarrhea.
  • Bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis causes absorption incorrectly leading to loss of nutrients and appetite.

These are just a few other conditions that can cause unexplained weight loss for an individual. In any case, it is vital to share with your medical provider when unexplained weight loss is occurring without any intent or change in diet or exercise.

When to Talk to Your Doctor

Generally, if you experience unexplained weight loss of more than 5% of your body weight within 6 months to a year, or sooner, this is an indication that there is something deeper. Especially if you have not made any intentional changes to your diet or exercise

nor have experienced any traumatic or stressful event, as these can directly affect appetite and weight loss.

Some individuals who start to experience unexplained weight loss will keep a journal, or note pad, to track their weight and any additional changes that may have occurred. This is helpful for the individual, and a provider, to have a better understanding and timeline of when the weight loss started.

If you also experience additional symptoms as listed above, with unexplained weight loss, you will want to reach out to your medical provider. From there your provider will be able to run any proper tests while also creating an appropriate treatment plan if needed.

Surgical Oncology Procedures at The Surgical Clinic

At The Surgical Clinic our skilled and dedicated surgical oncology team would be honored to walk alongside you during your cancer treatment. We understand the fears and anxieties that come with facing a cancer diagnosis, as well as facing a potential surgery. Here at The Surgical Clinic provides you the best care needed with your diagnosis.

Below are some of the cancer services we provide:

Cancer Removal Surgery: The focus for this surgery is to eliminate cancerous growth to promote positive outcomes and overall health.

Needle Biopsies: This procedure is minimally invasive to extract a precise sample for cancer diagnosis.

Robotic Surgery: With a state-of-the-art robotic-assisted procedure, this form of surgery offers stronger precision, quicker recovery times, and enhanced comfort.

Tumor Removal Surgery: One of our skilled Oncologists will focus on comprehensive removal while also offering intentional care and comfort.

You can find a complete list of other oncology care online, and book your first appointment with us.

Our clinics are located throughout the greater Nashville area, from Columbia to Lebanon and downtown Nashville. Regardless of your preferred location, you can be assured you will be receiving the top care and comfort from our team at The Surgical Clinic.

Older man smiling with nurse

Insurance at The Surgical Clinic

The Surgical Clinic accepts most insurance(s), but it will be important for you to connect with your insurance provider for a comprehensive list of coverage. Our insurance specialist at our clinics will file all office and surgical procedures with your insurance company. In addition, we ask that each patient brings an updated, and current, insurance card to each appointment.

Final Thoughts

A sudden shift in weight can be a positive one for individuals who are seeking a healthy weight through a change in exercise and diet. However, when unexplained, and unexpected weight loss, is occurring, in addition to other painful or distressing symptoms, it is vital to connect with your medical provider. Not only can weight loss be a sign of other conditions, but also cancer, as reviewed above.

A cancer diagnosis of any kind can bring fears, uncertainties, and anxieties. If you have recently been diagnosed, and are looking for treatment or surgery clinics, we invite you to reach out to one of our team members today.

It would be a privilege to provide you with the care and support needed during your cancer treatment.

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