Jimbob Faulk, MD, FACS, RPVI

Vascular & Endovascular

dr jimbob faulk vascular surgeon endovascular specialist the surgical clinic st thomas west in nashville

Dr. JimBob Faulk

Board Certified Vascular Surgeon


St. Thomas West CLINIC

4230 Harding Pike | Suite 705
Nashville, TN 37205
TEL  615.385.1547   FAX  615.297.9161
Mon – Fri 7:30am – 4:30pm


St. Thomas Midtown Hospital

Centennial Medical Center

St. Thomas West Hospital

Summit Medical Center


Surgery & Management of Diseases of the Aorta
Open & Endovascular (Minimally Invasive) Surgery
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery (AAA)
Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm Surgery (TAAA)
Traditional & Advanced Amputation Surgery
Angioplasty, Stent & Atherectomy Procedures
Aortobifemoral Surgery
Dialysis Access/Shunt Surgery
Dialysis Access Thrombectomy & Revision
Complicated Access Procedures for Failed Access
Surgery of Diseases of the Carotid Artery
Management of Diseases of the Carotid Artery
Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA)
Endovascular Surgery
Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery for PAD
Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)
Foot Ulcers
Laparoscopic Peritoneal Dialysis Surgery
Port-A-Cath Insertion/Removal
Revascularization Surgery
Shuntogram Vascular Surgery
Vein Transposition
Spine Exposure for Spinal Surgery
Treatment of Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia
Renal Artery Stenosis
Medical management of PAD


Medical School:

Louisiana State University School of Medicine
New Orleans, LA


Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN


Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN


Vanderbilt University Medical Center
St. Thomas Hospital
Nashville, TN

Professional Memberships:

Society of Vascular Surgery

American College of Surgeons

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society

Southern Association for Vascular Surgery

H. William Scott, Jr. Society

Nashville Academy of Medicine

Nashville Surgical Society

Society for Vascular Ultrasound

Tennessee Medical Association

Get to know Dr. Faulk

Everyone always asks Dr. JimBob Faulk “how did you choose vascular surgery”, but he believes surgery chooses you. He specializes in minimizing one of the largest surgeries a patient can have by making smaller incisions and allowing it to become an outpatient procedure. Dr. Faulk married his highschool sweetheart and enjoys off-roading with Jeeps.

Vascular surgeon in Nashville

Vascular surgery blog

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What is Raynaud disease?

WHAT IS RAYNAUD DISEASE? AKA Raynaud phenomenon or Raynaud syndrome. There’s no cure for Raynaud...