Surgical Resources
The Surgical Clinic in Tennessee wants to make sure that the resources you use to help you learn about your planned procedure are reliable and legitimate tools. The internet is filled with all sorts of “sources” to learn more about both your illness or disease and the procedures you may need as a result of those conditions. It is important that you make sure that what you are reading is the most current and up-to-date information available. Your clinical team is hopeful that you will learn all that you can about your healthcare needs so that you can work in partnership with your surgeon to get the best outcome possible.
We also know that every patient is unique and your situation may require that you ask your surgeon questions during your office visit. It is always a good idea to write your questions down as you think of them and bring your list to your appointment.
We know that it is tempting to compare notes with family and friends and to look for internet resources that claim to represent patients “just like you.” Surgical treatment options change with new technology. Our knowledge and tools to take care of problems change constantly. Someone’s experience with a similar procedure even just a few years ago, may have absolutely no relationship to how things are done today. And, often internet sites are really just advertisements for untested procedures and products.
The surgical resources below are associated with the United States Government’s most respected sources for surgical information. In addition, these resources include up-to-date patient education materials designed to make clinical information easier to understand. We hope that these will help you in preparing for treatment.